Electric vehicle prospects: Bad analogies are worse than no analogies

by | Aug 23, 2017 | featured home | 0 comments

Mike Lynch is one of our favorite electric car and energy analysts. He writes regularly for Forbes and in this article week, he looks at what’s holding back electric car sales. It’s the batteries, he says, and we’re not doing ourselves any favors with flawed analogies.

One of the main ones he deconstructs is that batteries follow “Moore’s Law.” For reference, he refers readers to TOTALED. Chapter 8 of the book has a section explaining what Moore’s Law is, what it’s good for and why battery technology doesn’t sport a typical Moore’s curve.

Read Mike’s column here. To learn the whole story about Moore’s Law, TOTALED is now available on Amazon and all your favorite online bookstores.

Mike also wrote a complete review of TOTALED. Read it here on Forbes

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